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This is my first of these books, and it will not be the last. I could almost taste the words, and as an asexual trans person, the sex scene was genuinely therapeutic to read, which is basically never the case for me. I'm sure I'll love the other main characters in their respective books, but Martis spoke to me in a way I was never expecting when I started.

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Gray does it again! By "it" I mean they pen another phantasmagorical Arthurian romance. This time Martis is the star, after we saw a tantalizing peek of her in Valerin the Fair. I ate up the rich prose. The beauty at once assuages and gives voice to deep grief. The romance takes a back seat to Martis and her parents' relationship, but Martis' future is much brighter for the discovery she doesn't have to bear her emotions alone. This novella is as delicate, intricate, and beautiful as stained glass.