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Gray's ability to instantly put me in the time and place as the character with how they describe it never disappoints. And very specifically here, the way they play on the themes of pain, physical or emotional, and how it shapes people and then how in turn they can use it to shape themselves really just struck a chord with me.

Fantastic story from start to finish, worth every minute spent reading.


Amazing story! The author has a way where parts are almost poetic, lyrical in their beauty and description. A sapphic monster romance with lots of Greek mythology featuring two serpentine women, one born and one made. They come together in an explosive encounter that ends up meaning so very much more than either could have ever imagined. Beautiful. Highly recommend this as well as this author’s other stories!!!


Gray's books are auto-buys for me, and I dropped everything to buy and devour The Scales of Seduction. What a mouthwatering meal. While I was expecting to be wow-ed by Gray's third take on Medusa, Petra's journey slithered into my heart, making me wonder, "Am I into all types of snake lesbians now?" Yes. The theme of reclaiming and shaping the body made my heart thud, and of course, the intimate scenes re-wired my brain chemistry. The more Greek-based diction felt like little tasty morsels and enriched an already lively setting. I'd also like to give a shout-out to the gorgeous, sensual cover art! Hot damn. Why are you still reading this review? Go read The Scales of Seduction!